Custom Games

Games in project or under development. The posts and games in this section can not ask for money.

Custom Games

Postby william » Thu, 12Mar01 00:57

Hi Lagooners! :)

I was wondering if any of the experienced game developers here would be interested in developing a custom game for my games web site? [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

I am very flexible in terms of story and gameplay, though I would like this to be a bit more than a visual novel, and hopefully feature some interactivity, such as undressing the girl. ;)

Please let me know if you are interested with a couple of games you have developed before. If I like them, we can discuss the game details and the price. :)



P.S. Almost forgot to mention: I would like the games to be browser based, so Flash/HTML/HTML5 are the preferred technologies for this :)
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Re: Custom Games

Postby fleet » Thu, 12Mar01 18:01

What's your web site? I've written one browser based kinetic novel, but I'm not interested in selling my work.

Terms of use for downloading any of my work includes a prohibition against uploading on other sites.
Check out my latest adult visual novel "After She Left"
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Re: Custom Games

Postby william » Thu, 12Mar01 22:38

Hi fleet, thanks for the reply! :)

The site is currently in development, and will be a offering english, browser based erotic games for the users to play.

I already have developers making games based on actual photoshoots we are doing with models. I would also like to offer games featuring 3d content as they can provide a greater level of interactivity, more easily. Hence the topic. :)
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sirens hunter
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Re: Custom Games

Postby Josefus » Wed, 13Feb27 20:47

Hi William,

What's the matter with your web-site?
what make your games?

lol... was that a joke?

If you have problems... with html...javascript and 3D-visualisation on html send me a mail.
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