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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby qwasddf » Tue, 15Aug04 20:18

paquito wrote:You don't need a specific keyboard.

If an accent is in a bold command, just click on it and the word will appears in the textbox. If you need to use "X name", all characters have aliases without accents.

While the non accented names work most of the time when you have to use apostrophe s on the end of the name the game only recognizes it if you use the accented name at least in the case of francoise's skirt.
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby Serge » Wed, 15Aug05 05:18

qwasddf wrote:
paquito wrote:You don't need a specific keyboard.

If an accent is in a bold command, just click on it and the word will appears in the textbox. If you need to use "X name", all characters have aliases without accents.

While the non accented names work most of the time when you have to use apostrophe s on the end of the name the game only recognizes it if you use the accented name at least in the case of francoise's skirt.

This is one reason why I never translated myself one of my games.
The English critic is too sarcastic for my taste and in most cases unjustified
Françoise's skirt is in bold. Just click.
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby me3 » Wed, 15Aug05 18:41

since the auto complete picks up objects, in some cases objects not even in the room, wouldn't it be possible to make that work for names?
i know it works in some games and with some commands but unfortunately not all.
i know some commands seems to fail at auto completing objects. Like open does but not x (as in examine), so the "open b.." would be picked up for "open box", but you have to type out everything yourself for "x box".
Not sure if this is a limitation of the language itself or if it's just "an option not added".
Would fix ppls problem with names, one way or the other.

As a sidenote. These games are text adventures, you generally don't "click" things, you type, so expecting typing to be the primary source of input should be pretty expected.
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby Rexxx » Wed, 15Aug05 19:21

I found serge's game a bit atypical in text adventure, I find easier click than typing, and the images are used instead of description in sex scene, there is less description, nearly only dialog.
I am happy to have tried one of his game, he is probably one of the most prolific aif author ever existed, i was very interested in finding his style.
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby me3 » Wed, 15Aug05 19:48

Rexxx wrote:I found serge's game a bit atypical in text adventure, I find easier click than typing, and the images are used instead of description in sex scene, there is less description, nearly only dialog.
I am happy to have tried one of his game, he is probably one of the most prolific aif author ever existed, i was very interested in finding his style.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with his style, i'm only pointing out that the games are using a text based system.
Yes you can click to move and you can click words to make up commands etc, but the majority of the commends you have to use are still things you need to type in yourself.
Just consider all the x, open, close, take etc commands you need to use to make any progress, those aren't "clickable" (yes there's a rightclick menu etc but that's rather slow to keep using) and it's those commands where difficulties with spelling and characters can come up. It doesn't have to be related to language specific chars like this game uses on occasion either, it can just be a overly complicated name of a person or object.
Not everyone is good at spelling even in their own language so making "UI" (probably not a very accurate word for it but the idea might be understandable) easier for players to use should be seen as a good thing.

Personally i haven't had any problems with the names in this game, or most others for that matter. But i can see why some might, players language skills will differ greatly regardless of it being their native language or not.
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby redle » Thu, 15Aug06 01:51

I'm no Adrift expert, but from what I have seen of the inner workings of its games, the engine chooses its own suggestions. There is no way to tell the engine, "Hey, I want you to give special preference to the word 'elephant' if someone types its beginning letters." In other words, suggesting that auto-complete could fill in character names for the player, while a good idea, is something outside the game maker's control. It would be a suggestion for Adrift itself.

Personally, I agree with the idea that all letters/symbols needed within a command-line game such as this one should exist within the language of distribution. I did argue for it a bit when I first started helping on this project. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand Serge's desire to keep character names unchanged. People's names are their names, regardless of where they travel. Where alphabets differ, though, it isn't that uncommon to try to maintain pronunciation rather than printed representation (An extreme example would be names changing from Mandarin to any of the Latin based alphabets. There's just no question, a change is required). In the end, the concession was made that aliases were added for each name using English-only letters.

The trickiest part, I find, is that characters aren't actually listed during an examination of the room. It can be rather difficult to figure out exactly who is present at any given time. If the room listed them while looking around, at least there would always be a way for players to get a character's name onto the screen so that it became possible to click on it for entry.

All that said, I'm not sure I've yet encountered a place in this game where I was required to type any character's name except when that name showed up as part of a bold suggested command. And, yes, these "suggested commands" are a bit different. Adrift has basically 2 different interpretation modes. In the first, it knows of specific individual words:
action words: east, open, climb, take
objects: desk, ball, hammer
characters: Steve, Lucy, Peter, Helen
whatever... it knows individual words and tries to interpret any sentence entered and figure out how it makes sense within the current game. The second is that full commands can be stored within the game. These commands are not interpreted like the first example. These commands are directly compared (what was typed versus what is stored). They must match. If they do, code is processed. There are things that can be done to allow a bit of flexibility in matching sentences of the second type. But I will remind people that this is predominately a translation being done. Adding such flexibility is more a coding side. (Once again, not saying it can't be done. Just trying to point out why some extra challenges may exist within the game that users will just need to accept than might be expected if such a game originated in English)

Don't take too much to heart some of the critiques. I, myself, am certainly not always the most diplomatic in my phrasing. Many times there are valid points/suggestions buried within complaints. People point out what causes them frustration or make the playing a bit more difficult for them. Word choices often come out even more harsh because the person is actively struggling with the problem at that very moment. We've all been a little bit rude or impolite to someone who was totally undeserving at some point or other simply because we haven't figured out a solution to a tricky problem (not to mention, sometimes we just don't think it all the way through before we speak).

I agree it is a bit atypical. To me it plays much more like a TADS game hidden inside the Adrift engine. For good or bad it has its own unique feel.
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby DoomScythe » Fri, 15Aug07 08:28

Hi there,

Can someone pm me a walkthrough in english for this game please. I can´t reach to far in this game. Don't know what to do.
Many thank´s
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby paquito » Fri, 15Aug07 08:45

There are clues all around this thread. With a walkthrough this game loses all its value.

What is exactly your problem?
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby DoomScythe » Fri, 15Aug07 10:26

I´m knew to this kind of games and it looks to difficult. I can't pass the detention room, the game ends. I examine several things but found a few locked and can't open them. And there aren't any hints.
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby paquito » Fri, 15Aug07 10:45

You need to find the coin and perform 2 actions in one of the flats.

There are clues on this tread and also in game. Don't forget the basic commands (x, close, open, take, etc....)
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby DoomScythe » Fri, 15Aug07 10:59

Can´t find the coin or enter the appartments.. What does the X do? Thank´s
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby paquito » Fri, 15Aug07 11:02

"X" is for examine. Thanks to that you will find all you need.
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby DoomScythe » Fri, 15Aug07 22:56

Finally i have the coin but what do i have to do in the flat with the windows/curtains? I´m lost. I keep getting the same ending in the detention room.
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby zucchort » Fri, 15Aug07 23:14

DoomScythe wrote:Finally i have the coin but what do i have to do in the flat with the windows/curtains? I´m lost. I keep getting the same ending in the detention room.

try to tink like its real life: how to enter françoise house, make changes on windows and curtains and nobody knows that you did something?
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Re: Translation of one of Serge's game

Postby DoomScythe » Fri, 15Aug07 23:26

I open both windows/curtains and now what? Can i pass from one house to the other?
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