Translating RfJ

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Fri, 16Apr01 01:51

"Round and Round" is a song by Ratt.
"I Get Off" is a song by Halestorm and was part of the inspiration for GtkC.
"My Little Red Book" was a song by Ted Nuget (his is a cover, but is better than the original)
"Jessie's Girl" is a song by Rick Springfield.
"Has Anybody Seen My Baby" is a Rolling Stones song.

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby NudeRaider » Fri, 16Apr01 05:57

Ah I see, didn't catch that. Then of course not translating them would be way to go. But what about making them links to the songs on youtube? I really liked that idea for the epilogue.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Sat, 16Apr02 05:55

We should probably stick to keeping the game the way it is now.

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby nale » Sat, 16Apr02 10:55

I never heard anything from Nalogan after he offered to send me his translations end of February and he never send me something. So I have no clue if he ever will come back or in what state the translation is.
I definitely don't have the time to translate the game. So NudeRaider if you want you can translate the game or wait and hope that Nalogan will come back some time ;). If you want to translate the game i would be glad to proof read it, however next week i'm not here.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby NudeRaider » Sun, 16Apr03 21:07

Aight, I've started making progress. I'm at about 20% now so this is probably gonna take a few weeks to finish. Playable in German up to after the first Bar scene where you meet Jessika. Let me know if you want to see what I have so far.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby NudeRaider » Sun, 16Apr10 21:04

Quick update: Didn't get as much work done as I had hoped this week. Currently I'm at just over 30%.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby NudeRaider » Fri, 16Apr15 14:01

Hi, just letting everyone know the recent developments:

Chessy contacted me and sent me his draft of the full translation of RfJ. He did it manually and we agreed, that'll I'll merge my progress with his version and integrate it into AC, then send it to Nale for proofreading.

So Nale expect mail from me during the course of this weekend. :)
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Chessy » Tue, 16May17 13:50

Hello anybody,

after a couple of weeks with not much time I will tell you that I'm still working on the german translation together with NudeRaider.
He has done well with the AC and now it's my part again to proofread the whole stuff (and it contents a lot of pages).
After that we will discuss some details and send the final to Tlaero to implement it to the game.
All that will be done in maybe one or two weeks I guess.

It was the first time for both of us with the AC and a translation. The next game will be faster translated, I promise [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby tlaero » Wed, 16May18 05:41

Thank you Chessy and NudeRaider. I appreciate your efforts. There's no rush. I'd rather you take your time and end up with a product your proud of than race to make some arbitrary deadline.

And thank you for putting up with AC. I've been unhappy with how the tool performs in loc with games this size, so I'm in the process of rewriting it. My next game will be written in the new tool (AC2), which will handle large games and localization much better. The format will also make it possible for you to safely change the text outside of AC2 if you want. Of course, that game is down the road a bit. (-:

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Marco6661 » Wed, 16May18 07:28

I love very good news... [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Thank you Tlaero.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Chessy » Wed, 16May18 23:16

@tlaero - We will release it when its done and no matter how long it takes [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
I don't like to do things at a rate of 70 % or so... whenever I do something I try to reach the 100 % (of course, only as close as possible).

When we release our german translation we will be proud of and I hope all german players will like it in there native tongue... maybe.

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Chessy » Mon, 16Jun06 16:49

Hello Lagooners,

I didn't forgot my promise about the translation of RfJ... but the "Queen" is in town, so I'm totally busy for the next 2 weeks !

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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Germaniac » Sun, 16Jun12 00:21

I do not know, if you need another person to help to translate or to proofread the German translation.

nale wrote:2. Ich würde tatsächlich entweder Achievement als Begriff lassen - mittlerweile würde ich das aus verschiedenen Spielen fast als Gattungsbegriff akzeptieren - oder mit Errungenschaften übersetzen..
3. Lüstern ist meiner Meinung nach die bessere Übersetzung ;). Zumal die Bezeichnung "geiler Pfad" komisch ist "lüsterner Pfad" schon deutlich aussagekräftiger ;).
1. Meinem Wissensstand nach wird Redemption im englischen mit Bezug zum Seelenheil der betreffenden Person verwendet. Von daher wäre für mich die direkteste Übersetzung "Jessicas Erlösung". Ich würde nicht einmal sagen, dass der Titel impliziert, dass Jessica das sucht, sondern im Rahmen dieses Spieles erreicht.

Ich bin der gleichen Meining bzw. würde es wie Nale übersetzen.
I am not an native English speaker, so if you find some mistakes in my English, inform me, so I can correct them and improve my English.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby NudeRaider » Thu, 16Jun30 02:31

All right people, we're getting closer. Chessy and I are in close contact and we managed to find a common style, so it doesn't look like it's from 2 people. Chessy finished his proof reading part and now it's my turn. I expect to take a few weeks and then we'd present the finished (in our opinion) German version.

So thank you for your offer, Germaniac, but I think we gonna release it after I'm through with it, so it doesn't get delayed further. Of course then, if you still find mistakes, you're more than welcome to report them and we'll update accordingly.
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Re: Translating RfJ

Postby Massi84 » Thu, 16Jul07 02:56

Hello there, i recently played RFJ and i think it's a great game. i would like to offer an spanish translation. I talked with Mortze and i told him that this is a challenge for me, i want to know if i'm capable of do it right. But first that all i want your permission. I started with it, i translated the first part "the courtroom". This is great cause spanish langague have lots of synonymous. So if you understand the basic idea from the text you can do the translating too. Peace!
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