House Party Beta

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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby mistacorn » Thu, 16Mar24 12:32

Super wrote:Looking god so far.

Have you figured out how sex scenes will work yet?

Also, I guess most or all of your games will be 3D adventure games with no action? I guess more gamey stuff would get in the way of the eroticism but yeah lol.

The new graphic designer I'm working with also does animations, so the sex scenes will be performed by the characters themselves for the action part (however you more than likely won't have direct control over your character during it. I will more than likely come up with some sort of interaction though), and there will also be high-resolution graphical renders of the characters performing sex acts as well.

I'm not opposed to action. The engine can certainly handle it, as you can see with the fight between Patrick and Frank. It depends on if the game calls for it. A house party setting doesn't really call for much action, but something I write down the line may. :)
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby Super » Thu, 16Mar24 17:38

Yeah I don't expect House Party to be that game obviously. Course I don't know how it would work in context with the sex. Something like Bioware games where the romance is on the side of the main plot, or something like Harvest moon or Rune Factory where you go into dungeons in addition to time management and relationship building? IDK, I want to make something like that myself but having trouble with it lol
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby mistacorn » Tue, 16Mar29 20:11

Hey everyone,

The Ashley model is almost finished, and she is looking really good! I will be posting her when she is finished in probably just another couple of days.

In the meantime, I wanted to show off some of the Physics and AI interaction that I've been working on for the characters in the upcoming build of House Party.

Here's a video showcasing some of what's to come, and the description of what's happening is below.

The characters in the game are going to be much more variable depending on the mood they are in, and also how much they like you. In the video, we see that I first introduce myself to Madison, and she has a very plain expression when she first chit-chat's with me. After I find out her phone is missing (and I creepily happen to already have it on me), I give her the phone, and she is ecstatic and thanks me. Now you'll notice when I walk up to her again, since I am familiar to her, and she likes me much better now that I returned her phone to her, she will now smile when she sees me approach her. This can also unlock other storyline options.

Notice she also decides to walk around the house periodically, and chooses a new spot to hang out.

After following her downstairs, I decide to do something to make her mood take a turn for the worse (and also show off some physics of the game). You'll see that you can now pick up and move any object in the game. I pick up a chair and walk it over to Madison, and I kick it at her feet, causing her to fall over. The first time it happens, she writes it off as a clumsy mistake, and she is in too good of a mood to care because she got her phone back, so she shrugs it off and doesn't make a big deal about it. The second time it happens, she gets agitated, and you can see the angry look on her face after she falls over. She then decides to leave the room. I follow her upstairs and approach her, and instead of smiling when she sees me, she frowns letting me know something's wrong. I try to talk to her, and she tells me "not now".

Madison's bad mood is a temporary thing, and will increase over time during the game, or I can use certain mechanics of the game and dialogues to increase her mood. She still has a completely separate feeling about how much she likes me, and when she is in a better mood, she will start talking to me again. This will be different from previous versions of the game, where you could sometimes back yourself into a corner by making a girl angry with you. Now, instead of permanently being angry, if you do upset a girl to the point where she doesn't want to talk to you, you can wait it out, or try to cheer her up, and she will eventually warm up to you again.

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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby muttdoggy » Wed, 16Mar30 07:06

I like the new development with the happy to angry to happy. Can't wait for a new version! :crazy:
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby mistacorn » Wed, 16Mar30 17:55

TheBellboy wrote:Some thing I noticed when looking at the youtube videos and the old game:

- the sound when you walk behind/with Madison is odd. It doesn't really sound like walking and is kinda annoying. When just 1 person is walking it's 'ok', but with 2 it starts sounding weird.

- the characters skin is pretty flawless. Not sure what can be done about this, but in the 2.3 beta, when I got the girls naked, part of the reason they looked similar is because they all had perfect skin. No hair, scars, veins, fat, or anything that I can remember. With clothes on it's fine (though it looks a bit weird at Madisons cleavage, where the shirt meets the skin).

- Brittney's boobs got smaller compared to the beta! From what I can tell her boobs are what make her stand out, so they should be pretty big, noticeable bigger then the rest. Yes her rack is bigger then Madisons, but Britney's boobs almost seem smaller then Ashley's tits in the beta. Considering that the average bra size in the US is 34DD (according to google), I think you can safely increase those puppy's and still have other characters with curves. For the sake of character diversity I really think Brittney should have bigger tits, comparable if not bigger then in the beta. Purely for diversity sake obviously... [img]smile/totozzz.gif[/img]

The facial expressions look good though, curious to see what more will happen when naughty things start to unfold.

Brittney has a bit of a surprise in her design. I suppose it won't hurt to let the cat out of the bag about the mechanics of it. Since Brittney has larger breasts, there are morph shapes on her breasts. She was designed with a morph for her breasts in and out of the bra. We had to design her this way to make her look natural with and without clothes. When you see Brittney dressed, her breasts are actually being pushed into her body the way a bra would in real life. This also means that when you take the bra away, much like in reality, the breasts spill out of them. So objects may be bigger than they appear when you get Brittney to this point in the game. I also believe this might be a bit of a first in game programming. :)
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby mistacorn » Wed, 16Mar30 21:27

TheBellboy wrote:Ok I have to admit, that sounds really intriguing. Not just the current version, where the breasts will spill out of her bra once removed. But also how she would look clothed when given greater tits from the get go. Are we talking Lolo Ferrari here or? Also, don't most bra's make boobs look bigger? Regardless, definitely looking forward to the next release now [img]images/icones/icon18.gif[/img]

The clothes don't fit over the breasts when the breasts are in the "free" mode. They are too big and show through the clothing. And no, they're not quite as big as Lolo, but they are definitely larger than average.

Some bras make them look bigger if they're push-up or padded, but if you've already got a lot there, the bras pack them into place and pushes them toward the body more. The breasts (using the morph) will take on a more free-form and natural shape when out of the bra, and they do look bigger out than in IMO.
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby muttdoggy » Thu, 16Mar31 03:12

I can personally state as fact that many of the bras worn by larger-chested gals makes their chests appear a little flatter. My current girlfriend has DD or DDD sized breasts depending on the manufacturer. The smallest chested girl I've been with was a 36C but she should have been wearing D cups. Even though I'm a guy, I'm the kind who goes shopping with them and likes to surprise them with lingerie. It helps to know this stuff so I don't get the wrong size and ruin the mood. Now what I've seen is that when larger chested girls wear underwire bras, the wire tends to dig into their skin and makes it uncomfortable at best. And they tend to wear smaller sizes because most girls don't get measured and or fitted correctly. So if you combine the hatred for underwire and wearing too small cups then you'd have a flattened breast. It goes from pancake to oh yeah at the release of the unholy clasp. [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby mistacorn » Thu, 16Mar31 13:15

muttdoggy wrote:I can personally state as fact that many of the bras worn by larger-chested gals makes their chests appear a little flatter. My current girlfriend has DD or DDD sized breasts depending on the manufacturer. The smallest chested girl I've been with was a 36C but she should have been wearing D cups. Even though I'm a guy, I'm the kind who goes shopping with them and likes to surprise them with lingerie. It helps to know this stuff so I don't get the wrong size and ruin the mood. Now what I've seen is that when larger chested girls wear underwire bras, the wire tends to dig into their skin and makes it uncomfortable at best. And they tend to wear smaller sizes because most girls don't get measured and or fitted correctly. So if you combine the hatred for underwire and wearing too small cups then you'd have a flattened breast. It goes from pancake to oh yeah at the release of the unholy clasp. [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]

And this is exactly the logic that went toward creating Brittney. If you take the bra away and leave the breast morph state as if the bra was on, you can literally see the breast looking like it's inside an invisible bra. Might also make for some neat transparent material effects if I wanted to do a see-through bra scene. :)
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby mistacorn » Thu, 16Apr07 16:36

Hey guys,

Here's another character reveal! This time it's Ashley, Madison's sister! Her design is loosely based on Emily Ratajkowski. Note that as the graphic designer and myself are moving along, we are refining the process and the models are getting better and better. Ashley is definitely his best work yet, and after further discussing with him, we will be going back and revamping the first few models after we get the whole lot of them done to bring the quality to its fullest all around the board!

In this video, we also see some new AI behavior, where the characters are aware of their surroundings and respond to things like items being thrown around or waved in front of them. They can also respond to things like characters walking into a room, other characters falling down or being hurt, and also to lights being turning on and off in the house. These things can also affect their mood. Notice how by the end of the video, between what was said to her, and the annoyance of the objects being tossed around, Ashley starts pouting indicating she's not happy. This adds another layer of realism to the sim and AI that really helps the immersion!

If you're new to the House Party game, you can download the latest build here:
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby xviii » Fri, 16Apr08 06:49

Nice, I like Ashleys face and figure. She sure seems to have downsized in the chest area though :p Personally I don't mind, but previously she was a curvy petite type with large tits, now she has more of a model physique. I guess Katherine previously has a similar physique while not being quite as short. Maybe she could take the place of that body type to keep something for everyone in there.
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby muttdoggy » Fri, 16Apr08 07:10

I like the interaction that you're giving us with the a.i. It's getting harder and harder and wait the more you tease us. But we're waiting cuz it's gotta be lots of fun when you're done with it. My only question is about the poker game at the end. Are there going to be any changes to it?
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby mistacorn » Fri, 16Apr08 13:25

xviii wrote:Nice, I like Ashleys face and figure. She sure seems to have downsized in the chest area though :p Personally I don't mind, but previously she was a curvy petite type with large tits, now she has more of a model physique. I guess Katherine previously has a similar physique while not being quite as short. Maybe she could take the place of that body type to keep something for everyone in there.

That's the idea. We're focusing more on making each of the girls different from one another to ensure variety in the body shapes, heights, skin tone, etc.. One thing about the Daz models is that the breast size was the only differentiating feature. Here we will see differences in the breast sizes and even shapes, nuances of the areolas and nipples, etc... Brittney has a good sized chest, Madison is around average, and Ashley's a little on the smaller side. Moving forward we should see some larger breasts coming into the picture as well. We also may change things around once we get a better big picture to ensure we have a little something for everyone. :)
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby mistacorn » Fri, 16Apr08 13:28

muttdoggy wrote:I like the interaction that you're giving us with the a.i. It's getting harder and harder and wait the more you tease us. But we're waiting cuz it's gotta be lots of fun when you're done with it. My only question is about the poker game at the end. Are there going to be any changes to it?

More than likely. The card game was one of a few different "ending" ideas that I had. Since a lot of the code for it is already written, I will probably spruce it up once it's ready. One thing I may do is, instead of having the game load in another scene, I may just have the game take place in the house somewhere and allow you to be able to get different girls invited to the game depending on how the story goes, and instead of breaking to a new scene have the game just take place in the house with all the other stuff going on. I like this idea because it adds more realism and the payoff is better because then the girls are stuck naked at the party where they can react to being seen by others.
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby muttdoggy » Sat, 16Apr09 07:47

LOL.. naked girls running around after a strip poker game? Love that! That's better than Animal House and Revenge of the Nerds all rolled up into one. [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]
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Re: House Party Beta .2.3 (Updated 2/16/16)

Postby xviii » Sun, 16Apr10 08:43

mistacorn wrote:
muttdoggy wrote:I like the interaction that you're giving us with the a.i. It's getting harder and harder and wait the more you tease us. But we're waiting cuz it's gotta be lots of fun when you're done with it. My only question is about the poker game at the end. Are there going to be any changes to it?

More than likely. The card game was one of a few different "ending" ideas that I had. Since a lot of the code for it is already written, I will probably spruce it up once it's ready. One thing I may do is, instead of having the game load in another scene, I may just have the game take place in the house somewhere and allow you to be able to get different girls invited to the game depending on how the story goes, and instead of breaking to a new scene have the game just take place in the house with all the other stuff going on. I like this idea because it adds more realism and the payoff is better because then the girls are stuck naked at the party where they can react to being seen by others.

I love that idea and am very pleased to hear that it can be done now since (i'm guessing) the models are lighter on resources. Being able to create your own situations with what the card game situation presents as well as have different girls involved depending on your favor with them will be a huge improvement!
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