'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short demo

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'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short demo

Postby fleet » Thu, 14Jul03 21:59

I've been experimenting with a program called 'Belle' which creates browser based visual novels.

I created a short (three minute) test 'game' which includes one animated sex scene.

I've tested it on a Windows 7 computer using Firefox 30, Google Chrome 35, and Internet Explorer 11.
It seems to fully work in Firefox and Chrome, but the ogg sound files don't play in Internet Explorer.

EDIT: Reported results so far:
Windows 7 Firefox everything worked
Windows 7 Google cChrome everything worked
Windows 7 Internet Explorer 11 plays, but no sound
Update: Windows 7 Opera everything works

Mac Safari plays, but no sound
Mac Firefox everything worked
Mac Chrome (canary) everything worked
Ubuntu 12.04 with Firefox everything worked
Ubuntu with Chromium everything worked

Acer Aspire One running Chromium (open source version of the Google CHrome OS) everything worked

Blackberry Playbook, the scene progression worked okay and the animation played but the browser displayed a message saying the sound format was not supported.

Very respectfully,
Last edited by fleet on Sat, 14Jul05 17:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby fleet » Fri, 14Jul04 15:01

Contents deleted.
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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby tlaero » Fri, 14Jul04 19:44

If you want sound to work on all platforms, you need to use MP3 instead of OGG. Audacity is a good open source tool for converting them if you decide to go that route.

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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby fleet » Fri, 14Jul04 20:58

tlaero wrote:If you want sound to work on all platforms, you need to use MP3 instead of OGG. Audacity is a good open source tool for converting them if you decide to go that route.


Thanks. I use Audacity to convert mp3 to ogg. There are some licensing issues with mp3 that I don't want to get involved with. http://www.mp3licensing.com/royalty/games.html
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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby tlaero » Sat, 14Jul05 03:16

Check out the FAQ.


Section 5 says you don't need to pay royalties if you make less than US$100,000 per year on your games.

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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby ttant » Sat, 14Jul05 08:53

The "documentation" give you the answer you need :
http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_audio.asp (opera means opera 12 version, opera 15+ are the same as chrome)

And here is something worth] reading:
So keep both format, and almost evry browser must be supported ;)
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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby Greebo » Sat, 14Jul05 10:54

tlaero wrote:If you want sound to work on all platforms, you need to use MP3 instead of OGG. Audacity is a good open source tool for converting them if you decide to go that route.


If you want sound to work on all platforms you need to use both MP3 and OGG until IE, Safari, Opera, and to a lesser extent Firefox, pull their various heads out of their various arses and support both fully in their cockamamy browsers! It looks like the OSS purists and the MP3 proprietary software freaks need to allow compromise in the definition of HMTL5, and it's high time M$ and Apple stopped throwing the OGG toys out of their pram -- it's not as if they have to pay for the format, unlike the theoretical possibility of charges for the frigging MP3 "licenceware"! [img]images/icones/icon5.gif[/img]
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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby tlaero » Sat, 14Jul05 17:01

Which platforms don't support MP3? I thought Firefox was the last, and they finally relented.

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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby fleet » Sat, 14Jul05 17:34

I've gotten the feedback I needed (summarized in edited first post). Thanks to those who responded. I'm deleting the download. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
Since Belle is still in the alpha stage of development, and the player can't save his game progress, for the time being I'll continue to use Visual Novelty to make downloadable visual novels.

Very respectfully,
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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby Greebo » Sat, 14Jul05 20:50

tlaero wrote:Which platforms don't support MP3? I thought Firefox was the last, and they finally relented.


Last I heard Opera doesn't support MP3, and as I said, IE and SAFARI don't support OGG despite it being OSS and licence free, and of course M$ won't support WEBM because of an unsubstantiated claim by them that it has allegedly licenced code in it, even though it was deliberately created clean.
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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby ttant » Sat, 14Jul05 21:50

Greebo wrote:Last I heard Opera doesn't support MP3, and as I said, IE and SAFARI don't support OGG .

Probably true for v12, not so sure for v15 and more (chromium based).
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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby tlaero » Sun, 14Jul06 19:54

Wow, you still write it M$? Let it go, man. Google has taken over all the monopolies. M$ is so 90's.

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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby Greebo » Mon, 14Jul07 01:04

It's just a shortcut I and many others I know use that reflects the contempt I have for the company's all pervasive acquisitiveness and greed.

My most recent encounter hasn't endeared me to them -- I had the misfortune to fall into the Grand Union Canal at the beginning of 2013 and my Nokia N9, (a really excellent smartphone discontinued almost as soon as it was launched by the not-so-ex-M$ Nokia appointed CEO, Stephen Elop), was in my pocket at the time and didn't survive the immersion. Mr Elop, in his continuing infinite wisdom proceeded to launch the Lumia line of Windows Phones, and since I was lacking a phone and my son had been given a Lumia 800 by Nokia to encourage him to develop apps for it, he let me have it.

I soon found out that part of the reason he was happy to let me have it was that he considered it a pig to develop apps for and get them in the Windows App Store -- unfortunately it was also awful to use compared with the N9, but I was lumbered with it for nine months until my preordered Jolla arrived in December! Now all is sweetness and light again and my son is busy not using the Lumia, his least favourite out of the umpteen phones he uses for development

NB Mods: Sorry for going so far off topic, but my above response is part of a natural comment train that started on topic.
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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby tlaero » Fri, 14Jul11 05:24

Greed, huh? I've made a comfortable living writing professional software that runs on MS platforms, and I never had to pay them a dime for the right. Yes, I get paid to write software, which makes me evil in your eyes, but damn it, a girl's got to eat.

The real greedy one is Apple, who demands a 30% cut of EVERYTHING (apps, songs, movies, books, magazines, comic books, etc). And Google literally has stolen my work and made money off of it. I don't know if that constitutes "greed," but it's certainly left of center.

MS was definitely a bully in the 90s, but they were heads and tails better to their partners than any of the competition was. Evil industrialists like me appreciate them for the careers they've made possible. And, even though you regularly trash people like me, you also benefit from my evil ways. I couldn't afford to write free sex games and free game creators if I didn't get paid for the 60 hour weeks I regularly work.

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Re: 'Brad's Hot Date' cross platform browser based short dem

Postby Greebo » Sun, 15Jul05 14:19

I just revisited this nearly a year after the event, tlaero, and I would like to state quite categorically that I have never ever, to my knowledge, accused you of greed -- it was Microsoft that was my target for good reason, as you might realise if you actually read what I wrote.

You actually have my deepest respect and I agree wholeheartedly with most of your own stance, particularly where Apple are concerned and, to a rapidly growing extent, Google, who have been going far beyond what is healthy in a business of their nature -- their latest incarnation of Google Maps is a case in point, in going after would be advertisers they seem to have forgotten that those self same advertisers will not benefit if the Google Maps user base is driven away by heavy handed redesign for purely marketing purposes. The user base is the raison d'ĂȘtre of the advertisers! It would seem that the latter day Google has abandoned its own admirable original ethos.
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